Until next time, get outside and make your own discoveries! Get outside and learn about the wonderful world around you!
Have a great one.
Over the last few years I have been following the life of a banded Bald Eagle that nests here in northern Michigan. One of my favorite places to watch her is at a pond where she hunts in the springtime.
I noticed her about three years ago and was able to get a good enough photo of her to see that she was banded and to determine that she was born several hundred miles southwest of where she now makes her summer home. She has successfully nested each summer since I have been watching her and she appears to have two eaglets again this year.
In addition to the underwater inhabitants of this great pond she led me to it is also either home to or a visiting spot for many different types of wildlife. Eagles, Ospreys and waterfowl of all types are just some of the wildlife that a patient and quiet observer might be fortunate enough to see.
I have seen and photographed many many interesting things during my visits and I though it might be fun to share what I see during my visits to the "Fish Pond" and other northern Michigan wildlife spots with anyone who might be interested. I visit quite frequently during the springtime and regularly in the summer and will be posting details of my visits here so check back often. Please feel free to ask questions and I will be happy to answer any of them that I can.
Have a great day!